Generalistic stuff VLNN writes
12 Oct 2022

Historical bits and pieces

Some time ago I was a part of a team who introduced modern software development processes (text-based sources, CI, CD, cloud here and there) across the company with humongous and very cleverly written monolith. Yup, internally sources were not stored as text files. Yup, the format was created in-house. Yup, you had to use internal toolings only to work with this code. Yup, it was a great revelation for me to understand how different real work is from the world of js-hipsters deploying things over heroku.

Interestingly enough, the core of the my team was consisted of people who actually wrote the most clever parts. I was a part of this project for couple years trying my best and watching superheroes around me trying their best to finish this project. At some point I left the company and all I have now is this screenshot of one-week project of providing developers possibility to load customized tools into the work environment.


Two unsettling ideas arise in my brain after I share the picture above:

  1. Software industry is expanding so fast that half of your colleagues perhaps have less than 5 years of experience (stole the idea from someone, but it’s as unsettling as my one).
  2. Some senior clever guys and girls right now are trying to help ’newcomers’ to work with legacy code bases they themeselves developed over the years. This task may be much harder than actually developing the legacy code base.
Tags: apl git legacy
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